Friday, July 3, 2009

Im at the air port... again

So I met up with my friend Shannon and we were sitting outside Argo tea. A girl walks by and is looking to her left at her man friend who she was talking to. Attached to the Agro tea is a railing in which one can use if handicapped or such. This broad is totally oblivious to all things around her and runs right the fuck into this railing and screams. Shannon, her friend, and I start dying laughing and clapping at her...couldn't help it. The guys turns to her and says that got you right in the vagina then turns, looks at us and says "I'm surprised she even felt it," and continues walking off as the girl says, "those lesbians were laughing at me!" HAHA but really... how dare she know my sexual preference without me telling her. good day


Wednesday, June 10, 2009


I want too much.

I expect nothing.

I am selfish

I need to be.

It's my time.

It's my life.

I want you.

I want you to want me.

I want to be alone.


It's time to leave.

I'll start new later.

I need to be in my head.

I'll get out of it later.

Your beautiful


Closed off.


Get out


Let it be.

Let it play.

Watch me.


Its me.

I'm alone.

It's good.


Saturday, June 6, 2009

The only man i every loved

RIP 2000 Grand Am
The only man i ever loved died a yesterday
Green, the perfect size, a home on wheels at times, my savior from injury, took the fall when he didn't have to, my alligator, my little grand am.

Now this car had been going for quite some time. I was in denial, maybe. But it was the first car I ever owned myself and we had some good times together. The first to go was my turn signals which were actually recalled but I was too lazy to take it to a dealership, so they never got fixed. Then the motor to make the seats go up and down decides to not work anymore. Followed by the over heating problem, the leak in my air conditioner, and it smelling like gas inside the car after using the heat. Mind you it was only a 2000. So, I guess my little alligator didnt have my back all the time but he tried.

It was Tuesday of last week when I got to work and had no clients until the evening and decided to leave to take my guest out to eat in Wicker Park. After two attempts at starting my car there was a noise that I had never heard my car make before. A similar sound to someone pouring coins into my engine. But it started so I drove off. I made it but five block when it felt like someone hit me from behind while shit slipped out from underneath my car and drive became a non existent gear for the alligator. In actuality, no one hit me and there were no coins in my engine but my transmission did slip. So, these dudes hopped off their landscaping truck and helped me push the car to the side of the road to wait for a tow truck. Crazy tow truck guy with long locks and a beard that looks as if it took over a year to grow out put my car on a gurney never to be seen again...

But now I bike a lot more which is good. When I was with Nina I drove a ton because she lost her car a few months after we were dating and I totally got out of the habit of biking all the time. It's been hard to get back into the habit so forcing me via car death is a great way to break the habit.


Sunday, May 31, 2009

on the run

I'm being sued!

When I was out in Hawaii in March I get a call from my insurance company asking if I had been served yet. I respond with "well no, no I have not been served insurance company and why may I be expecting such servicing?" ... "Your being sued for an accident that happened in 2007" ha 2007! so I'm like fuck you liar who does that shit, what did he lose his job and needs some cash from whatever he could possibly get dollas from? FUCK YOU!

When I got home from Hawaii the paper work started flowing in briefing me on what was going on what it all meant, what was happened and I, being the genius that I am was sure all this paperwork meant I got served right? No Gianna someone has to physically hand you that shit. So, I finally get a call from my buzzer front door 2 months following that phone call and it's totally some burly soundin dude informing me he was there to serve me. I'm like dude memorial day weekend, not home sorry try back next week, I work nights.

Two days ago I get a call from my dad because the genius is trying to sue him too because I was moving and had my dads van and that's what got hit. Apparently, if I was driving to do something for him or his work I am accountable for both parties or some shit. Anyway, my dad got a call from the insurance company saying if I don't get served for 2 more weeks then this lawsuit is over. We are reaching the 2 year mark of this accident and all parts of this process need to be in full swing before that mark is hit. Meaning I'm on the run!!!! If I can avoid this man for another week plus I'm off scot free.

I woke up this morning to 6 messages and 7 missed calls from my buzzer and this dude trying to serve me. Day 1 on the run...succuessful!

At any rate, Amanda gets here in a and hour! HOLLA!

Peace and love chi

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The place where dreams and pointy things go to die

I finally have the internet and my computer back!! YAY!! It's been annoying.

So, I got back from Tuscan recently and convinced 2 people to come back to Chicago with me. The first is Stryker. Well, he was going to move back at some point but when I was there we did all the same dumb shit that we always do (drink coffee/tea and rap about bull shit, play monkey tag, walk everywhere even when it's a distance that is way too far for people without wheels to walk, drive around in a herse... ya know, the usual) that most people would think is only fun for nerds and children...I think he missed that. He says that Tucsan is a place where dreams and pointy things go to die. Nothing leaves that place. The art, the music, the culture... the people dont leave. I met a bunch of native Arizonians that are just content with doing nothing, they have never left, have no plans to leave, don't even really care to get out, see the world or just the states. So Stryker is moving back sooner than expected and I couldn't be more excited!!!! I'm stoked because although I have found some amazing people to play music with while he has been gone, I see Stryker as my musical soul mate. I pretty much love playin the dirty folksie music we make together. It's what plays in my head constantly.
The second person I convinced to come to Chicago, Amanda. The most precious, beautiful, sheltered little 25 year old I have ever met. She is an art history major that is living in the wrong city. What can you do with a major in art history in Arizona? Not too much. So, I'm making her leave her city for a couple visits to Chicago; once next weekend and once for pitch fork. She is so nervous it's adorable. Every time I talk to her she has a bit of an anxiety attack but we will get through it.

I'll keep you updated. But I am in Wisconsin now and couldn't be happier. There is nothing around me, just saw a cow, drinkin an ice house, bbq'n, livin the dream.

Love People,

Tucsan, AZ

Saturday, May 9, 2009


My last few trips that have been anything but solo. 2 bedroom condo with 7 people, 2 bed room with 5 girls...time to be alone let me tell ya.

So I'm sitting at the airport alone, listening to music, people watching, sitting on my computer, the typical alone kind of activities when a guy sits next to me. Mind you I am in a row of 5 chairs, all of which are empty, and I can see his head gazing my way...or just turn slightly to the right because he is basically sitting on my lap. I have this problem with men, no offense boys, I just get weary when you are right up on my shit or start talking to me when I don't know you. Usually, my defense would go up immediately, getting ready to fight or grab my shit before he could grab me and my belongings and high tail it out of this place. But for some reason I am way more chill when I travel alone. I was like dude stop readin the shit on my screen but he wasn't really doing anything. Then he goes into his bag and pulls out the identical computer and looks at me and says, "I thought is would be funny to be on the same exact computer as you and sit next to you, kind of like we are in an ad for pc's, ya know?" I was like your right, it is kind of funny. Super nice dude. I need to take Zxanax when I'm with other people I think. I get fuckin anxious as hell. Why am I so weird? I think I am to independent for people. I like to take care of everything myself so I know exactly what the haps is. I don't like to feel as though I'm just following a bunch of people around, bein a little puppy dog. Control freak? Na I'll follow you, my anxiety level will be up for sure but we can't all be perfect now can we?

See ya in AZ bitches! Keep It Classy Chi City!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stryker who?

I leave for beautiful Arizona this Saturday and this trip could not have come at a better time. It's not that I need a vacation, I mean shit, I just got back from Miami but Arizona holds my most favorite person captive, Styrker. Let me tell you a little about Stryker.

I met the socially awkward art kid my sophomore year of high school. He went to the public school next to my sweet Catholic one where most of my friends went. After I ditched out on school most of my days I would go chill in their art room which was twice the size of mine and twice as full. This is where I met most of the 'more interesting' friends in my high school years. So long story short some other kids in there introduced to me Stryker who was looking for a new drummer for his punk band, The Roadkill Eddies. I pretty much owe how good I am at drums to these guys. They loved to play every free second they had which forced me to play twice as much as I was before. It was great. Since then, we have been in Bear Foot On Bumble Bees and We Will Eat Rats To Survive together, a couple of indie folk bands conceived in the twisted right side of his brain.

So, Stryker moved to Arizona last year after Chicago burnt the hell out of him. Before the big move he rebuilt a '76 herse, painted it blue, and packed it full of his valuables and I have not seen him since. This kid never fails to surprise me. He writes and illustrates comic books and comic strips, he plays 6+ different instruments, he can rebuilt any old engine you give him, and he is the nicest/strangest kid I know and I love it. Basically, this weekend is going to be completely different than any other get away I have had thus far. Plus, I get to meet my doppelganger, a little lesbian drummer/barista with a full sleeve and black hair. HAh. SAAWEEEET!



Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lobster Girl Is Hot

Ever since I was little I have wanted to be in the circus but now that I'm big I want to be in a freak show. These fantastic people make up the only solid freak show out there. I'm thinking if I work hard enough I could breath fire, play drums(because they are a musical freak show), and be a contortionist. eh? eh?

999 EYES FREAKSHOW PROMO from laurent martin on Vimeo.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Circles...Lots Of Them

I feel like a stranger in my own city. I still love Chicago, I always will, but there is something missing here. Maybe I have been here too long or just not moved around enough but I feel lost.

I was heading back into the city from the airport after leaving beautiful Miami and kind of had a bit of a meltdown to myself, in my head, which is where they usually happen. Nothing appeared as beautiful as it use to. I didn’t get that “it’s good to be home feeling,” I didn’t even feel like I was home. Something is missing and I can’t find anything to fill that feeling here. It didn’t help that Mother Nature welcomed me back with dreary skies and a 99% chance of rain but still, something is missing.

I was talking to my yoga instructor who is working on becoming a life coach and I explained to her my predicament. This is the most hippie shit ever but she said she felt like my spirit was somewhere else, like it was not settled or content and well…I agree. Although I wouldn’t have thought to talk about my spirit as much as my person in general but it’s true and has gotten so apparent that people are picking up on it now. It’s time for change. Give me a year and I’ll have it figured out. Its time…



Wednesday, April 22, 2009

What I Woke Up and Thought Happened...BAAH!

Being the bat that I am, I prefer to be out in the evenings but Saturday nights are not my favorite. It's the night all the yuppies come out and pollute my stompin' grounds but this particular Saturday I was in the mood for booze.

The night begins right after work when my favorite co-workers decided it was time for tequila, meaning it was time to visit our favorite Uncle Julio. 4 drinks and 2 veggie fajitas later, my accomplice and I were ready to ditch the patio and stumble over to my place. We decided we were not getting too crazy due to my morning yoga class and her need to pack before her big move so i decided driving would be our best bet. I would just pace myself for the night and if things got out of control I could leave the car behind my salon, no big deal. So, we head back to my place, did some freshening up, grabbed a couple drinks at the bar below me, and headed out to meet my gimp friend who runs Saturdays at Lava. After driving around for a bit I found a parking spot near our destination that was so random I was convinced I would need to leave a trail to find my way back.

We entered Lava to find my friend sitting with here crutches sippin on water and redbull, low key night. A couple drinks in on my part and all of a sudden M was ready for Jameson shots, typical. A few of those and a couple hours I don't remember later and I'm wasted. The next thing I can pull from my toasted memory is me turning around to find my boss standing behind me and my accomplice and me hopping into my boss's friends vehicle to head up the street to flat iron. This is where shit starts to get real fuzzy. I make a drunken phone call to my ex, bitch out a co-worker in front of my boss, and wander off alone.

So, I wander around looking for my car and calling who knows who telling them how lost I am and somehow stumble upon my car and take off. Things seem to be going well as I approach a stop sign. All of a sudden some homeless kid comes running out waving his hands and screaming my name. Naturally, I stop paying attention to my driving, roll a stop sign, and get hit by another driver (who also should not have been driving) and the confrontation begins! I get out and we immediately start fist fighting. Full on, hand to hand combat ninja style...wasted! We both end up with minor injuries, scrapes and bruises, and both decide we are too tired to keep fighting, look at each other and say "No hard feeling?" Agreed...and he drove off. I stood by the scene for a bit and talked to the kid who I realized was a friend from high school who now lives on the street and appears to be on so much crack and heroin that I could probably get high off the foul stench of his unwashed body. We end up driving around the city, racing fast and furious style, driftin' and shit. I some how ditch the kid, pick up my original accomplice and head to cvs to do the dew, mountain style and drop the hot mess off at her place.

Then I woke up fully clothed without a phone covered in brown rice. Needless to say, I didn't make it to yoga.



Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Sometimes I Feel Like a Nut, Sometimes I Don't

My dad has to be the best guy in the world.

My two most scandalous friends were headed for a Easter weekend full of sin in Vegas. It was day 2 of their trip in some new hotel out there and the one girl goes to get in the shower before going out. Now this tub was no ordinary tub. Solid, slick marble! It's like showering in a tub made of soap. So guess what happens... She slips forward, falls on the faucet, cuts a hole in her throat, breaks 4 teeth, and passes out for ten minutes. Upon waking up in a tub of blood, she calls my other friend to come help her and he geeks out and calls for assistance. The hotel then grabs them a cab and sends them to some emergency clinic. Apparently, the hotel is not only too dumb to know not to make their tubs out of slick ass marble but they also are too retarded to know local clinic hours and the place was closed before they got there. My 2 poor friends are truckin around town bleeding all over the place trying to find the hospital and end up waiting 6 hours to get helped by a couple of brain dead doctors. Doctor number one is in the middle of stitching her up and looks at my other friend and says, "Do you think thats enough stitching or do i need more?" He is like I'm a hair stylist bitch your the doctor! After that doctor leaves, doctor number 2 comes in with the pain killing prescriptions, asks them why he wanted her to take two different really strong prescriptions, pockets the one and leaves the room. NEVER GET HURT IN VEGAS!! I am convinced these people are vacationers dressed up as doctors.

So, I get a text from these kids on Easter Sunday while eatin with the family and it says, "Hey when you get a chance can you call? We have some questions for your dad." I'm like oh shit I was waiting for them to call me to come bail them out of jail because there was no way they were leavin Vegas without causing a scene and this is the text I get? I was shitting my pants at this point. Needless to say, they talk to my dad, who I should tell you is a dentist, and he tells her what to do in the mean time and sets up an appointment to fix her face the day she gets in because it was just that bad. TRIP FROM HELL! I felt so bad for these kittens. I guess jesus didnt want them there on his day...or some shit...

Womp Womp


Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Rabbits Taste Like Burning

These types of holidays always make me feel like I am going to spontaneously com bust. I went to my Aunt and Uncles house for a lovely little dinner and just the mentioning of church or the fact that the only reason we are together right now is because Jesus has risen makes my skin warm. I'm not a very religious person, I actually very much dislike organized religion so I feel inappropriate celebrating such things but for family sake I will do it. But all day religion and the Easter bunny have been taunting me. First, my wake up call was my extremely Italian grandmother calling me to wish me a Happy Easter and asking me how I am feeling because I had been sick all week. She then proceeds to tell me all about the scripture reading I missed because I am a sinner and lied about being too sick to get out of bed to go to mass. After escaping that fiery fuck of a conversation I hop in my car to go see the fam and there is this sign that is notorious for scanning the most random shit on it for all of River road to see and today what does it say? "Lent, did you make it?" I'm like damn that is a little straight forward, huh? I could be over exagerating but then I pull into my parents neighborhood and a little blow up easter bunny blows out infront of me, I hit it, and drag it the rest of the way to my parents drive way. I am waiting to set on fire and be pulled through the ground!

Peace and love!


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dear Humaity...Part 1

Dear Humanity,

Today I would like to address a little something to you that I came across on my way to my parents house in Des Plaines that completely botched my view of the human race, once again.

It was right around rush hour, I was heading home via I94 when I decided it was a bad idea to continue on the route I was taking at the time I was taking it. So, I hopped off and road along some side streets that passed through Glenview. Now, I don't know how much you know about Glenview, but there is a good amount of very wealthy people there with an unnecessary amount of land and a home to match. Being the A.D.D child that I am, was paying more attention to the houses than the road and had to do a double take at this one house. Massive Mother Fucker on probably 3 acres or so of land with towering trees and over grown shrubbery and get this... an over sized blue land gnome cow sitting on a raised rock like some sort of dairy god!! Why??? I am pretty sure people reach a point in their lives where showing that they have a lot of money is just not enough, they have to show that they have nothing else they need to or want to spend it on so they buy ridiculous shit like blue cows and stick them in their yard on a relatively busy street for all to see.

This is when I ask you humanity, what have you come to?


Friday, April 3, 2009

Stupid Tattoos...Or are They Totally Awesome!

So, I have always said, "a ogni suo proprio," to each his own (in Italian). Do whatever the fuck makes you happy. I may mock it "cus makin fun of shit is funny sometimes, I can be a dick but I still love you.
Tattoos are like marrying your lova, if at some point you don't love them anymore, gettin rid of them is a bitch. There are some hilarious tattoos out there that I may say are stupid but really, I thank these people for getting them. PURE ENTERTAINMENT.

So here, I thought I would share the shit I look up on the introweb when I'm slow at work.
My Stupid tattoo!

Peace <3

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Your so Delicious I Could Eat You Up...Literally

So there is this girl at work that always comes in with new bruises on questionable parts of her body. So, me being the 'to the point' kind of gal that i am straight up ask, "Who you fuckin and why do they bite so hard?" Her answer..."I don't really know why but guys always bite me in bed and I bruise easily, it hurts!" What is it about sex that makes a person feel the need to try and devour you? She is a cute girl, a pin up blond with red lips, is it her look? Do guys think the red lips are so delicious they can't handle themselves so they need to bite some thing to keep it under control? Or maybe they think she likes it. An unconventional lookin broad that likes it dirty, bite her fuckin arm off, DELICIOUS... She doesn't do it to them so it's not a you started it thing. I could see how it's sexy though, a little nibble here and there but why so hard? It hurts! I should have a taste though, maybe she really is just delicious. I don't know but guys are gross.

Ok Bye

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

First Day Back to Work!!!!

I was so excited to come back to work today, believe it or not. I missed these fuckin girls so much! They were all texting me while I was on vacation saying they missed me and couldn't wait to see me, etc. That kind of shit just warms my little black heart. So, now I get to do the whole reminisce on my trip thing and get all sad that it's cloudy, chilly, and raining here but whatever. I leave with these girls to spend a weekend partyin it up in Miami in 3 weeks!!! So Stoked!

Besides getting back to work and seein some people that i have really missed and catching up on the shit i had fallen behind on, i had a Chipped Red Polish meeting Sunday right after i got home. A-FUCKING-MAZING!!! Shit is really happening. Our myspace and blog layout is almost completely done, we have a ton of people lined up to work with, and the ideas just keep flowing. I have never been in the same room with so many girls that just get it and each other. The creativity that flows throughout our conversations is mind blowing. So many good ideas, so much makes me want to start sculpting or some shit. Know what i mean? I almost need another creative outlet just to get all the shit i feel inside me out. Kinda weird i guess but if you are a creative person you know what I'm talking about. Just look out for us, we are coming in full force!!!


Sunday, March 29, 2009

Dear Mother Nature...

So, I leave LAX after a lovely 3 hour lay over and set out to chicago. They say a couple of inches of snow, temp is in the mid 30s, (worse than when i left) but whatever a lil snow? It's almost april, it is just one of those little snows, right?...FULL ON BLIZZARD!!! Really? Really? Aparently, i called on the wrong gods. I Tried to bring back the middle of summer and brought back the middle of winter. My bad. But I am home and ready to get back to the real world, kinda.

Tonight is CRP meeting, so excited to see the girls, it feels like it has been forever! Just chillin tonight to try and get my sleep pattern back to normal. The rest of the week though? All Bets Off Bitches! It's time to rage!!!



Friday, March 27, 2009

Last Day Out and About

Kawaii, HI

Well, should i really leave? This place is beautiful, it settled my mind to a place i hope to keep it, no one is rushed or stressed, the people joke and play all day at their jobs, and everywhere i go there is music. It's places like this that really make you wonder, "Why do i follow a schedule? Why and i a slave to time?" I love Chicago, i really do, but the things i love about the city are also the things i hate. I love how busy it is, how there are people everywhere, all types. On the other hand, many of those people are so far up their own asses, they never stop and sometimes just stopping can make all the difference in your day and your state of mind.

I don't know exactly what kind of lifestyle i want to live or where i want to live it because i have not lived in enough alternative living situations to know what works best for me. But i know the kind of mind set i want to keep. I want to stay centered and feel good about myself so that i can use all my energy on others and my music. Life is so easy to just live, to just go through it on automatic and never get anything out of it and never really feel. I don't want to wake up one day and realize that i haven't made a mark or some sort of impact on this world. What do i know though...? The mind is easily altered by the situations you put yourself in, therefore, i am trying this new thing...surrounding myself only with people that inspire me, give me good vibes, people that make me better at my craft and encourage me in my music and whatever other endeavors i decide to endure. This is what will mold me into who i need to be, want to be, and can be. I want people to be excited to work with me not only because I'm fun or funny or some shit, but because i just give off a good vibe, because i help them reach their goals and inspired them. It'll happen...

Well, here are a few pics from my last day out:
The Fam

Lil Bro by the Beautiful Bamboo

Under the falls

um... my ass

Me and my little sister jumpin off the 20 ft cliff

Peace and love Ohana!



Thursday, March 26, 2009

Check It

A very amazing girl showed me this today and i thought i would share...



Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Well Done

3 more days in paradise and i spent today fryin my shit! Got up at 9 to get down to this surf spot with sick ass waves that Ive wanted to hit since i got here. Unfortunately, the tide didn't come in for another hour or so and if i paddled out to meet the waves, you would probably never see me again. So, toasted on the beach til the surf was up. BURNT MY FUCKIN EYE LIDS AND LIPS!! It kills. Damn you time change, i should have stayed asleep! But the surf was sick once the tide came in so relatively worth it...

Then we went hiking:

This was tunnel beach!

This was the luau from the night before. These girls were absolutely beautiful! My dad was sittin next to me and after looking at my little brother turns to me and says "I wonder whats keeping a 13 year old boys attention..." and i answered with, "probably the same thing that's keepin mine." Then he hit me in the head and laughed. Haha Bitches were fiiiine!

Well I'm going to grab a drink. Tomorrow is scuba day!
Peace and Love!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Helicopters Rule!

These sick photos where taken from the helicopter that we took over the whole island. 45 minutes of amazingness! I could have stayed up there all day and taken pictures, it was fantastic!

So get this...yesterday, heading home from the southern part of the island where we were snorkeling and skin boarding, we run into a huge crowd of protesters dressed in red. I'm like, "oh whats this, protesters? Sweet! I enjoy a good display of human rights...freedom of speech." Little did i know they were protesting against gay marriage. Gay marriage!? My mom was like "give 'um the finger G!" (it was cute) How many gay people do they know? Does this effect them directly? What? We get the right to marry and who knows what else can happen, what will we ask for next? Gay armies and ask for prettier uniforms that compliment our figures or some shit? Blows my mind! Paradise was just that...paradise! Until the locals crushed my soul. Human kind man. When will we start lovin each other?

(I have been such a free spirit lately, so precious)

Do me a favor people, compliment someone you don't know, on the street, in the library, the line at Micky D's, whatever. Make someone you don't know feel better about themselves or just good for that one moment. Prove to me that there is hope in the human race, please!!


<3 G

Monday, March 23, 2009

This is the shit i live for! Super talented dude who blows peoples minds with his music. While he was playing i watched this little boy, maybe 4 years old walk up to where he was playing and stare at him for ten minutes straight. For the last 5 minutes he was staring, his dad was trying to pull him away but the little boy would not budge so he picked him up and walked away with him as the little boy watched from his dads shoulders. There is something about music and amazingly talented musicians that draws people in and doesn't let them go. This is what i strive for in my music. Yes, I'm a drummer and most people pay attention to the things in front of the drums before even looking at me but i believe there is an element to a good musician that you feel more so than hear. As cheese ball as it sounds, i want people to feel my music more than hear it. Most people wont get what I'm trying to say though so...never mind? If you get it you get me...



Sunday, March 22, 2009

First Time Blogger, Long Time Listener

Good Morning!!!! Its day 3 in Hawaii and i still can no get on Hawaii time for the life of me! Its 7:15 am and i got wasted last night so I'm hella hung over and all i really want to do is sleep but i cant! WHYYYY?!?!
So, yesterday started out with yoga on the porch, yea i know, "who does yoga for fun on vacation?" I do bitches. I then proceeded to fry my skin slowly for the next 4-5 hours, being sure to flip every other hour to assure the cancer would set in well and good. Basically, my front is well done and my back is medium rare. I look great! But you can only flop around on a lawn chair for so long in Hawaii so i headed out with my siblings to the most northern part of all the islands to get a taste of the true beauty of this paradise I'm living in for the next week. The wild life here is breath taking, the people are gorgeous, and you can actually feel how beautiful the land is. Why i spent the better part of the day toasting ill never know. So, for the rest of my time here i refuse to get a tan from just sittin on my ass.
Tomorrow=snorkeling and scuba diving
Tuesday=meet some locals to smoke me down and hang for the night
Wednesday= explore tunnel beach. There is a massive tunnel that runs hundreds of yards under the volcano. Amazing!!!

The rest of the time...Who knows.

I may check out for a couple days just posting random picture so i can take advantage of my time here. If i get wasted again i may end up blogging though. Its my favorite time to write...when i cant see!

Peace Bitches

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Twelve Hours In The Sky

Standing Bow 7am Hawaii
Aloha! I am writing from Kauai, Hawaii!!! It is only 9:30pm here, I am a time traveler! So let me tell you a little about Gianna and her travel experience...

So, I have traveled an ok amount, mostly road trippin and tours but still traveling, but I tend to under pack believe it or not. I brought all the tech shit i needed but forgot everything necessary to keep it running, like chargers. Idiot! Brought a hand full of shorts and shirts, no pants (Kauai is very windy and rain forest-y meaning i wanted to go hiking and brought nothing to hike and it gets chilly when the sun isn't out) nothing to sleep in, which is fine naked sleeping is lovely, no gym shoes, but a shit tone of swim suits. WORST PACKER EVER!!! Thus far, rough.

The adventure starts at O'Hara airport at 6 am where i find out we have a 2 hour lay over in LAX after a 4 hour flight there. For some reason i didn't realize this before. At LAX i run into a million stores trying desperately to find something to charge my ipod because my next flight to the actual island was 5 hours and Gianna with no music usually ends horribly so the crew sits down to eat while i squirrel around this airport only to spent $30 on a temp igo charger, Lame. So, boarding time comes and I'm sitting in the very last seat of the plane right in front of the bathrooms, it immediately smells like death and people are already running past me to use that shit and are knocking my elbos over and over again and we had not even taken off yet. Which whatever fine i am pretty easy going about travel and the people i am around and situations i get stuck in but to throw some sprinkles on that Sunday i sat next to a couple from Wisconsin and Rockford which, don't get me wrong, both very nice places but have not seen many tiny females like myself covered in tattoos and spent our entire time together givin me the crazy eye until finally trying to do the whole "those must have hurt" thing. I was a little aggravated but that's what i get, no one forced me to look as scum bag as i do sometimes. Eh!

I love planes though. You meet some crazy people, its never the same, and they take you to amazing places. So, here i am. Been up for almost 24 hours now and kinda loopy but ready for a full day of surfing tomorrow and will post pics as they come.

Hang Loose!

Thursday, March 19, 2009


Another day of work on a couple hours of sleep. Had two cancellation so had plenty of time to dooo nooothing! Therefore, I sat in the basement with one of my most favoritest co-workers, Jeannie. Let me tell you about her. Had a huge crush on her when i first met her...Babe! Total free spirit, curly gold locks, listens to amazing music, a bit of a hippie. She just got back from Puerto Rico and fell in love with an organic farmer with dreads, came back saying she was buying a one way ticket back and has been smittin over the bronzed babe ever since. Silly and adorable.

Anyway, we found this web site, because this is what you do when your slow at a salon, read gossip mags, go on facebook, or read each others horoscopes. I don't know if you believe in this shit but i totally do so i figures i would share a bit about myself the Sagittarius...

Independence is my principle, I crave excitement adventure and embrace change. Freedom is so important to Sagittarius that we will actually make decisions based on the amount of freedom that is given by the choice we have made. I make a great friend because of my positive nature and my kind heart, i will do anything to make my friends happy but apparently my kindness is selfish, they say i expect back what i give. Eh? Possible.Despite hardships, Sagittarius is always optimistic that good things will happen tomorrow and the future carries good luck.

I'm kinda cool. Such a Vagittarious!

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

First day blogging...March 18th...shlogging

Today=crazy. Got to work late, for a very sweet reason that I refuse to disclose at this time but made it here non the less. I leave for a well needed vacation to Hawaii to surf, chill on the beach, meet some crazy people, and hopefully find someone to give me a traditional Polynesian tattoo. My issue right now? I really like to not do things I'm suppose to be doing like, Oh lets say packing, shopping for warm weather cloths, all that shit your suppose to do well in advance. Needless to say, I am stressed but only because I made it that way. i like to do things I want to do before what i need to do. For example: this evening Cutcopy plays a set at Berlin tonight, sounds like fun, i work till 6 and want to go to 730 yoga, also fun (maybe not for you but for me), my friend gets tattooed at my buddies shop tonight, always a good time. Things I need to do: pack, buy sun glasses and sandles, and wash my cloths. None of this is on my priority list this evening. Lets see if i make the right decision tonight... da da da!