Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Dear Humaity...Part 1

Dear Humanity,

Today I would like to address a little something to you that I came across on my way to my parents house in Des Plaines that completely botched my view of the human race, once again.

It was right around rush hour, I was heading home via I94 when I decided it was a bad idea to continue on the route I was taking at the time I was taking it. So, I hopped off and road along some side streets that passed through Glenview. Now, I don't know how much you know about Glenview, but there is a good amount of very wealthy people there with an unnecessary amount of land and a home to match. Being the A.D.D child that I am, was paying more attention to the houses than the road and had to do a double take at this one house. Massive Mother Fucker on probably 3 acres or so of land with towering trees and over grown shrubbery and get this... an over sized blue land gnome cow sitting on a raised rock like some sort of dairy god!! Why??? I am pretty sure people reach a point in their lives where showing that they have a lot of money is just not enough, they have to show that they have nothing else they need to or want to spend it on so they buy ridiculous shit like blue cows and stick them in their yard on a relatively busy street for all to see.

This is when I ask you humanity, what have you come to?


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