Sunday, May 31, 2009

on the run

I'm being sued!

When I was out in Hawaii in March I get a call from my insurance company asking if I had been served yet. I respond with "well no, no I have not been served insurance company and why may I be expecting such servicing?" ... "Your being sued for an accident that happened in 2007" ha 2007! so I'm like fuck you liar who does that shit, what did he lose his job and needs some cash from whatever he could possibly get dollas from? FUCK YOU!

When I got home from Hawaii the paper work started flowing in briefing me on what was going on what it all meant, what was happened and I, being the genius that I am was sure all this paperwork meant I got served right? No Gianna someone has to physically hand you that shit. So, I finally get a call from my buzzer front door 2 months following that phone call and it's totally some burly soundin dude informing me he was there to serve me. I'm like dude memorial day weekend, not home sorry try back next week, I work nights.

Two days ago I get a call from my dad because the genius is trying to sue him too because I was moving and had my dads van and that's what got hit. Apparently, if I was driving to do something for him or his work I am accountable for both parties or some shit. Anyway, my dad got a call from the insurance company saying if I don't get served for 2 more weeks then this lawsuit is over. We are reaching the 2 year mark of this accident and all parts of this process need to be in full swing before that mark is hit. Meaning I'm on the run!!!! If I can avoid this man for another week plus I'm off scot free.

I woke up this morning to 6 messages and 7 missed calls from my buzzer and this dude trying to serve me. Day 1 on the run...succuessful!

At any rate, Amanda gets here in a and hour! HOLLA!

Peace and love chi

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The place where dreams and pointy things go to die

I finally have the internet and my computer back!! YAY!! It's been annoying.

So, I got back from Tuscan recently and convinced 2 people to come back to Chicago with me. The first is Stryker. Well, he was going to move back at some point but when I was there we did all the same dumb shit that we always do (drink coffee/tea and rap about bull shit, play monkey tag, walk everywhere even when it's a distance that is way too far for people without wheels to walk, drive around in a herse... ya know, the usual) that most people would think is only fun for nerds and children...I think he missed that. He says that Tucsan is a place where dreams and pointy things go to die. Nothing leaves that place. The art, the music, the culture... the people dont leave. I met a bunch of native Arizonians that are just content with doing nothing, they have never left, have no plans to leave, don't even really care to get out, see the world or just the states. So Stryker is moving back sooner than expected and I couldn't be more excited!!!! I'm stoked because although I have found some amazing people to play music with while he has been gone, I see Stryker as my musical soul mate. I pretty much love playin the dirty folksie music we make together. It's what plays in my head constantly.
The second person I convinced to come to Chicago, Amanda. The most precious, beautiful, sheltered little 25 year old I have ever met. She is an art history major that is living in the wrong city. What can you do with a major in art history in Arizona? Not too much. So, I'm making her leave her city for a couple visits to Chicago; once next weekend and once for pitch fork. She is so nervous it's adorable. Every time I talk to her she has a bit of an anxiety attack but we will get through it.

I'll keep you updated. But I am in Wisconsin now and couldn't be happier. There is nothing around me, just saw a cow, drinkin an ice house, bbq'n, livin the dream.

Love People,

Tucsan, AZ

Saturday, May 9, 2009


My last few trips that have been anything but solo. 2 bedroom condo with 7 people, 2 bed room with 5 girls...time to be alone let me tell ya.

So I'm sitting at the airport alone, listening to music, people watching, sitting on my computer, the typical alone kind of activities when a guy sits next to me. Mind you I am in a row of 5 chairs, all of which are empty, and I can see his head gazing my way...or just turn slightly to the right because he is basically sitting on my lap. I have this problem with men, no offense boys, I just get weary when you are right up on my shit or start talking to me when I don't know you. Usually, my defense would go up immediately, getting ready to fight or grab my shit before he could grab me and my belongings and high tail it out of this place. But for some reason I am way more chill when I travel alone. I was like dude stop readin the shit on my screen but he wasn't really doing anything. Then he goes into his bag and pulls out the identical computer and looks at me and says, "I thought is would be funny to be on the same exact computer as you and sit next to you, kind of like we are in an ad for pc's, ya know?" I was like your right, it is kind of funny. Super nice dude. I need to take Zxanax when I'm with other people I think. I get fuckin anxious as hell. Why am I so weird? I think I am to independent for people. I like to take care of everything myself so I know exactly what the haps is. I don't like to feel as though I'm just following a bunch of people around, bein a little puppy dog. Control freak? Na I'll follow you, my anxiety level will be up for sure but we can't all be perfect now can we?

See ya in AZ bitches! Keep It Classy Chi City!


Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Stryker who?

I leave for beautiful Arizona this Saturday and this trip could not have come at a better time. It's not that I need a vacation, I mean shit, I just got back from Miami but Arizona holds my most favorite person captive, Styrker. Let me tell you a little about Stryker.

I met the socially awkward art kid my sophomore year of high school. He went to the public school next to my sweet Catholic one where most of my friends went. After I ditched out on school most of my days I would go chill in their art room which was twice the size of mine and twice as full. This is where I met most of the 'more interesting' friends in my high school years. So long story short some other kids in there introduced to me Stryker who was looking for a new drummer for his punk band, The Roadkill Eddies. I pretty much owe how good I am at drums to these guys. They loved to play every free second they had which forced me to play twice as much as I was before. It was great. Since then, we have been in Bear Foot On Bumble Bees and We Will Eat Rats To Survive together, a couple of indie folk bands conceived in the twisted right side of his brain.

So, Stryker moved to Arizona last year after Chicago burnt the hell out of him. Before the big move he rebuilt a '76 herse, painted it blue, and packed it full of his valuables and I have not seen him since. This kid never fails to surprise me. He writes and illustrates comic books and comic strips, he plays 6+ different instruments, he can rebuilt any old engine you give him, and he is the nicest/strangest kid I know and I love it. Basically, this weekend is going to be completely different than any other get away I have had thus far. Plus, I get to meet my doppelganger, a little lesbian drummer/barista with a full sleeve and black hair. HAh. SAAWEEEET!



Saturday, May 2, 2009

Lobster Girl Is Hot

Ever since I was little I have wanted to be in the circus but now that I'm big I want to be in a freak show. These fantastic people make up the only solid freak show out there. I'm thinking if I work hard enough I could breath fire, play drums(because they are a musical freak show), and be a contortionist. eh? eh?

999 EYES FREAKSHOW PROMO from laurent martin on Vimeo.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Circles...Lots Of Them

I feel like a stranger in my own city. I still love Chicago, I always will, but there is something missing here. Maybe I have been here too long or just not moved around enough but I feel lost.

I was heading back into the city from the airport after leaving beautiful Miami and kind of had a bit of a meltdown to myself, in my head, which is where they usually happen. Nothing appeared as beautiful as it use to. I didn’t get that “it’s good to be home feeling,” I didn’t even feel like I was home. Something is missing and I can’t find anything to fill that feeling here. It didn’t help that Mother Nature welcomed me back with dreary skies and a 99% chance of rain but still, something is missing.

I was talking to my yoga instructor who is working on becoming a life coach and I explained to her my predicament. This is the most hippie shit ever but she said she felt like my spirit was somewhere else, like it was not settled or content and well…I agree. Although I wouldn’t have thought to talk about my spirit as much as my person in general but it’s true and has gotten so apparent that people are picking up on it now. It’s time for change. Give me a year and I’ll have it figured out. Its time…
