So, yesterday started out with yoga on the porch, yea i know, "who does yoga for fun on vacation?" I do bitches. I then proceeded to fry my skin slowly for the next 4-5 hours, being sure to flip every other hour to assure the cancer would set in well and good. Basically, my front is well done and my back is medium rare. I look great! But you can only flop around on a lawn chair for so long in Hawaii so i headed out with my siblings to the most northern part of all the islands to get a taste of the true beauty of this paradise I'm living in for the next week. The wild life here is breath taking, the people are gorgeous, and you can actually feel how beautiful the land is. Why i spent the better part of the day toasting ill never know. So, for the rest of my time here i refuse to get a tan from just sittin on my ass.
Tomorrow=snorkeling and scuba diving
Tuesday=meet some locals to smoke me down and hang for the night
Wednesday= explore tunnel beach. There is a massive tunnel that runs hundreds of yards under the volcano. Amazing!!!
The rest of the time...Who knows.
I may check out for a couple days just posting random picture so i can take advantage of my time here. If i get wasted again i may end up blogging though. Its my favorite time to write...when i cant see!
Peace Bitches
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