Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter Rabbits Taste Like Burning

These types of holidays always make me feel like I am going to spontaneously com bust. I went to my Aunt and Uncles house for a lovely little dinner and just the mentioning of church or the fact that the only reason we are together right now is because Jesus has risen makes my skin warm. I'm not a very religious person, I actually very much dislike organized religion so I feel inappropriate celebrating such things but for family sake I will do it. But all day religion and the Easter bunny have been taunting me. First, my wake up call was my extremely Italian grandmother calling me to wish me a Happy Easter and asking me how I am feeling because I had been sick all week. She then proceeds to tell me all about the scripture reading I missed because I am a sinner and lied about being too sick to get out of bed to go to mass. After escaping that fiery fuck of a conversation I hop in my car to go see the fam and there is this sign that is notorious for scanning the most random shit on it for all of River road to see and today what does it say? "Lent, did you make it?" I'm like damn that is a little straight forward, huh? I could be over exagerating but then I pull into my parents neighborhood and a little blow up easter bunny blows out infront of me, I hit it, and drag it the rest of the way to my parents drive way. I am waiting to set on fire and be pulled through the ground!

Peace and love!


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