Saturday, May 9, 2009


My last few trips that have been anything but solo. 2 bedroom condo with 7 people, 2 bed room with 5 girls...time to be alone let me tell ya.

So I'm sitting at the airport alone, listening to music, people watching, sitting on my computer, the typical alone kind of activities when a guy sits next to me. Mind you I am in a row of 5 chairs, all of which are empty, and I can see his head gazing my way...or just turn slightly to the right because he is basically sitting on my lap. I have this problem with men, no offense boys, I just get weary when you are right up on my shit or start talking to me when I don't know you. Usually, my defense would go up immediately, getting ready to fight or grab my shit before he could grab me and my belongings and high tail it out of this place. But for some reason I am way more chill when I travel alone. I was like dude stop readin the shit on my screen but he wasn't really doing anything. Then he goes into his bag and pulls out the identical computer and looks at me and says, "I thought is would be funny to be on the same exact computer as you and sit next to you, kind of like we are in an ad for pc's, ya know?" I was like your right, it is kind of funny. Super nice dude. I need to take Zxanax when I'm with other people I think. I get fuckin anxious as hell. Why am I so weird? I think I am to independent for people. I like to take care of everything myself so I know exactly what the haps is. I don't like to feel as though I'm just following a bunch of people around, bein a little puppy dog. Control freak? Na I'll follow you, my anxiety level will be up for sure but we can't all be perfect now can we?

See ya in AZ bitches! Keep It Classy Chi City!


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